Businesses selling direct to customers in NI will be able to reduce costs and simplify operations later this year following the introduction of the UK Carrier Scheme (UKC). The scheme will enable approved carriers moving B2C goods from the UK to Northern Ireland to do so without submitting a customs declaration. This is welcome news for many exporters who have felt the administrative and financial burden of exporting to the NI since Brexit.

Adam Wood, Head of Commercial commented:

“Business affected by the introduction of the new scheme should act immediately to ensure that arrangements are in place before it goes live on September 30, 2024. Now is the time to check-in with preferred carriers on their progress with online applications, which are now open, to ensure the necessary authorisations will be in place. Not all carriers will qualify for accreditation, so for some businesses it may be necessary to seek out new working partnerships.”

To qualify, carriers must have a good compliance history for the past three years. In addition, HMRC will carry out criminal record checks both for the business and the people included in the application. Authorised carriers must comply with legal obligations, including robust operational controls and commercial and record management.

The UKC Scheme is strictly for consumer shipments. B2B parcels must adhere to the green lane/red lane arrangements including the submission of a full customs declaration where required. The rules for eligibility are strict to minimise abuse.

An image of people collaborating on paperwork regarding exporting.

In addition, the UKC Scheme authorisation cannot be used for:

  • Category 1 prohibited and restricted goods — For example, goods that require an additional licence or certificate, excise goods, endangered species, goods covered by sanctions or subject to EU quotas.
  • Parcels which exceed the weight limits of the scheme — A parcel cannot exceed 100kg if it contains a single item, or 31.5kg if it contains more than one item.

Contact Us

If you require any further information on the UKC scheme or have any questions, call Adam Wood for a no obligation conversation on 01905 914031 or you can email Adam at [email protected].